Housing Society Security – Steps to Enforce During New Year’s Eve
Apartment Security, ApnaGate, MyGate Housing Society, housing society security, new years, new years eve, safety on new years
Most of these problems can be avoided with a bit of advance planning. Regulations should be issued well in advance and circulated around the housing society. Here are a few steps that can help ensure that New Year celebrations do not go out of control.
Steps for a Fun but Safe New Year’s Eve
(i) Get everybody on board as far as your “Safe New Year” campaign is concerned. There is no point in the housing society management issuing guidelines arbitrarily. Call a meeting and seek everybody’s co-operation. Discuss the troubles that normally arise and ask for suggestions to deal with it. Getting everybody involved will lead to greater success.
(ii) While you cannot enforce the number of guests each resident can invite, you can definitely keep track of which apartment each visitor to the complex is entering. Issue gate passes to your residents. They can pass these on to their invited guests. The guests will be allowed into the housing society only if they have their gate passes. This will eliminate the possibility of troublemakers entering your complex
(iii) Keep a time limit as far as playing of loud music and bursting of fire crackers is concerned. While there are definitely going to be fireworks at midnight, request residents to avoid the noisy ones. Also ensure that fire extinguishers are in place and in working condition to avoid mishaps.
(iv) Arrange for some kind of medical back up. Accidents and binging on alcohol can raise medical emergencies during New Year’s eve. It makes sense to keep a doctor on call to deal with any emergency situation that may arise.
(v) Residents normally like to light up their homes with decorative lights on New Year’s eve. This can cause power to trip. Ensure that an electrician appointed by the housing society checks all the connections in the apartments to ensure that there is no danger of short circuits.
(vi) Ask your residents to take responsibility for any guests who may have drunk too much. The host should see that the drunken guest does not get behind the wheel of the car. Excessive drinking can lead to loutish behavior and residents should be held responsible for the behavior of their guests.
(vii) Make a list of dos and don’ts well before New Year’s eve and circulate it among your guests. Put up notices in all public areas so that even the guests who arrive are aware of the regulations.
With a few basic precautions, it is possible to have a fun and safe New Year celebration. So go ahead and enjoy!
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