Webinar on ‘Managing Waste and Protecting Housekeeping Staff in Apartment Societies during Coronavirus Outbreak’
Product NewsApnaComplex has been conducting webinars connecting committee members of Apartment Societies across India on a common platform. The first two webinars focused on ‘Securing Societies from coronavirus‘ from the point of view of a senior doctor at Apollo Clinic and RWA members of Elita Promenade, a prominent apartment in Bangalore. You can find the previous webinars here and here.
The third edition, conducted on 26th March, explored ‘Managing Waste and Protecting Housekeeping Staff in Apartment Societies during Coronavirus’ and was hosted by Mr. Shekar Prabhakar, co-founder of Hasiru Dala Innovations, a company that is focused on creating better livelihoods for waste-pickers and enabling businesses that help mitigate and adapt to climate change.
Mr. Prabhakar highlighted the fact that most of us focus on what comes inside our home and fail to focus on what goes outside our home. He argued that there is a possibility that we could be asymptomatic carriers of COVID19 and as responsible citizens, we should start worrying about what goes out of our home. This is especially true for those who are quarantined because of travel history or close contact with an infected case.
He advised all the masks, gloves, tissues and personal protective equipment to be wrapped in newspaper, marked with a red X and disposed in bin specific to domestic Hazardous/Rejects (red bin). He also advised committee members to ensure housekeeping collect domestic rejects in yellow non-chlorinated garbage bags and do not handle the waste but directly transfer from your bin to bag.
In the second half of the session, committee members from various cities raised their problems and sought advice from the panelist and fellow RWA members from other societies. Check out the video shared above to know all about the intriguing problems each Society is facing related to waste management and about the solutions that were discussed.
The presentation shared during the Webinar: Link