Discover the secret to reducing your society’s maintenance fee!
Financial, Maintenance Charges
Levying a monthly maintenance fee is vital for running a gated community smoothly. However, exorbitant charges can be a bummer to the residents and likely to cause discord among the Management and residents.
In this article, we will explore the ways using which you can reduce the expenses of your society which will directly contribute to a reduced maintenance fee and increase the savings of the treasury.
Bid adieu to overstaffing
Through the means of community automation and smarter technology, now effortlessly reduce the number of staff you deploy. In a study, it was discovered that an app like ApnaComplex is instrumental in both streamlining the operations and cost reductions.
In an apartment complex, earlier 9 security guards were working on three rotational shifts 8 hours each and two supervisors were managing them. This security team costs the society INR 1.71 lakhs each month.
However, once the ApnaComplex app was deployed, the management was able to monitor the security guards’ routine and patrol better. QR codes were pasted around the building and the patrolling guards were asked to scan the QR code often throughout their guard duty to ensure that they were up and vigilant.
It was concluded that ApnaComplex reduced the total guards from nine to six who worked in two 12-hour shifts and only one supervisor was needed instead of two thanks to the superior monitoring tool available.
The Management had to pay only INR 1.08 lakhs every month to the new security team which means, a net saving of INR 63,000 was possible each month! It was also observed that ApnaComplex improved the quality and efficiency of the guards.
It is worth noting that the above study is only the tip of the iceberg. Through ApnaComplex’s various other modules, the extent of cost-saving can be much more.
For instance, ApnaComplex’s Accounting module comes with auto reconciliation of balance sheets which eliminates the need for an external auditor. This directly contributes to cost-saving. Likewise, online transactions and digitally storing data remove the need for manual cheque collection and storage.
Say hello to efficient staff management
In another case study conducted by ApnaComplex, it was noted that efficient and smarter staff management can do wonders to your society’s treasury.
In another society, four electricians were working two shifts of 12 hours each and their total cost came up to INR 48,000 per month. When the ApnaComplex app was installed in the society, not only did the complaints raised by residents via ApnaComplex reach the electricians immediately, the app also allowed the electricians’ manager to raise a job card and monitor how quickly the problems are resolved.
With the help of ApnaComplex and better planning, the electricians were able to tend to multiple households on the same day with improved efficiency. Likewise, better monitoring and planning reduced the number of electricians from four to three and it cost the management INR 36,000.
Smart and sleek operations offered by ApnaComplex enabled the society to save INR 12,000 every month.
Adopt smarter Inventory Management
Along with the study on electricians’ efficiency, inventory management was also observed. When the inventories and their availability were updated on the ApnaComplex app, it was noted that the storage of light bulbs, socket covers, tube lights, etc were substantially improved which also led to a faster turnaround time.
To boot, inventory and complaint data available on the ApnaComplex app also helped the management identify recurring errors and malfunctioning assets. Using ApnaComplex they were able to find the root cause of the problem and fix it at the origin. This enabled the management to reduce wastage and asset replacement.
Through smarter management and better inventory replenishment, the said society was able to save INR 8,000 every month, the study noted.
Apart from helping you save money, an app like ApnaComplex can also help you increase your society’s revenue. Our modules are tailor-made for gated communities are app is the only mature solution available today. To know how else we can benefit your society, visit our website.