Help your Society go ZERO-waste with these tips!
Apartment Management, Eco Living, Waste Management, Waste Management in Apartments Pollution, Waste Management, Waste Management in Apartments
Reports suggest that 33% of waste isn’t managed and processed in an environmentally safer way. On average, a single person generates from 0.74 to 4.45 kgs of waste in a single day. These numbers are an indication that effective waste management and gated communities’ contributing to a zero-waste lifestyle are the need of the hour.
In this article, we bring out a few tips that will help your society adopt a zero-waste lifestyle.
Waste segregation is the key
To manage your Society’s waste better, it must be segregated better. Every human should know the materials present in the waste and isolate them properly.
This segregation enables the waste pickers to differentiate between degradable and non-degradable waste and send them to appropriate recycling units. Likewise, poor waste management and untreated waste can release harmful chemicals and toxins into the environment causing air, water, and soil pollution.
Follow the 3 R’s diligently
Another key move to embrace a no-waste lifestyle is to respect and follow the 3R’s – recycle, reuse, and reduce. As consumers, we must consider our choices and purchase products that cause minimum waste and harm.
For a better environment, unnecessary consumption has to be addressed and we must reuse products that we already have as much as possible.
Avoid single-use plastic
Single-use plastics are the biggest waste contributors that are also harmful to the environment. Avoid products like single-use plastic straws, cutlery, bags, water bottles, etc. These products take hundreds of years to decompose and also hamper the zero-waste lifestyle.
Welcome second-hand products
Don’t shy away from second-hand products. If you want to buy a laptop or two-wheeler, see if anyone is selling theirs for a fair price. If the product meets all your requirements, then don’t hesitate to buy. You not only save ample money but also there will be one less two-wheeler or laptop in use.
Similarly, put up periodic garage sales in your society for residents to buy and sell used goods. This will majorly contribute towards the zero-waste lifestyle.
Indulge in composting
Organic waste materials such as vegetable peels, eggshells, leftovers, discarded coffee grounds, etc can be added to the composter daily. However, avoid coconut shells since it will take a longer time to decompose and also fry waste.
Some of the perfect spots for having a composter are a terrace, garden area or balcony.
Today, there are several kinds of composters available and you can pick one according to your needs, and your family’s size. Composting options for Societies are also available and can be done in a single spot such as the terrace, beside the driveway, sidewalk, STP area, etc.
When done right, composting is not only simple but also smell-free. Composting is also one of the huge contributors to zero waste.
Conduct workshops and seminars
As a community, be vocal about sustainability and waste management. Conduct workshops about waste management and zero-waste lifestyle to create awareness among your residents. This will make them conscious about the products they buy and use and will have a positive impact overall.
Going zero waste cannot happen overnight but with small and consistent changes it is achievable. These changes will have a positive impact on your Society, residents, and the environment.
Take these little steps today and see your environment and lifestyle change!
To know about how to reduce pollution in your Society, read here!
Fantastic read! These zero-waste suggestions are no longer solely sensible but additionally fundamental for developing a sustainable future. Thank you for sharing such treasured insights and empowering us to make a fine effect in our societies. Together, we can make a difference!
I appreciate the practical insights shared in this blog, providing a clear roadmap for making a positive impact on our environment. Kudos to the author for promoting eco-friendly practices at the community level!