Reliable security certainly makes a gated community more desirable. Residents would want to enjoy immaculate security in their property and safeguard themselves and their families. Any slacking or negligence can jeopardise the safety of the dwellers and, god forbid, should something unpleasant happen, it can cause irreversible damage.
To thoroughly do away with this, investing in a reliable security system or agency is vital. The security agency you hire can make or break the safety of your gated community and a good security agency can certainly offer a plethora of benefits.
In this article, we bring you the things you should look for when hiring a security agency and how they can determine the safety of your abode.
License – oh it definitely matters!
Security agencies must have a valid license to operate in India and not having one is illegal. Before hiring a security agency, check for their license, and if it is a private agency, check if they are governed by PSARA – Private Security Agencies Regulation Act, 2005.
According to the PSARA license, supervisors and guards must have undergone the necessary training. The supervisors are also expected to ensure that the guards are doing their job to a tee. The act also determines the guards’ expected health condition while on duty, their formal attire, and the criteria that would qualify or disqualify them. Additionally, the security agency must commence work within six months of obtaining its license.
Is the agency reliable? Look for the attrition rate!
The security agency industry’s attrition rate is high and several factors contribute towards this including the absence of job security and growth, stress, lower wages, etc.
A security agency that shows a high attrition rate may not stay in the business in the long run and so, it would be imprudent to hire them. As a general guideline, the attrition rate of the agency is directly related to its reliability.
Service Level Agreement – know what you get
The Service Level Agreement (SLA), will let you know the services they can offer. From CCTV cameras to guard patrol, the agreement will clearly state what you will get. With the SLA, the security system can run smoothly as possible, and there is room for improvement and efficiency since the agreement outlines the procedures and protocols clearly should an issue arise.
Quality – do not compromise
Before finalising a security agency, ensure their quality is top-notch. There are a few parameters to determine this – how well are the personnel trained to handle stressful and unforeseen situations? Do all the guards have the required license? How does the agency handle bodging or slacking guards? Answering these questions will give you an idea about the quality of service you will be getting, which will aid in your decision-making process. Also, insist on a demo to know if the agency meets all your security requirements.
Following govt rules – a key criterion
All the security agencies must abide by the rules imposed by the state government. Working hours of security personnel may differ from agency to agency but it is mandatory that they work a minimum of eight hours a shift.
Customer service – tells a lot about the agency
Before choosing an agency, see how they prioritise their customers. The agency that values customer satisfaction will offer you the best service possible. See how they handle the concerns of the customers and how quickly and efficiently they resolve them. This will help you choose the best security agency for your premises.
Agency’s focus – is it just security or they offer much more?
Check the core functionality of the agency you are considering for some agencies offer much more than security. When there is nothing wrong with this, ensure the agency does not compromise on its security service.
Security equipment – they make a big difference
Equipment plays a big role when it comes to offering a stellar security system. Outdated software or equipment is of little use and cannot give you the desired security you are looking for. We cannot overlook the increasing crime-rate and so it is prudent to opt for a more sophisticated security system that uses the latest technology.
Responsiveness of the guards – can make or break your security
When there is an emergency, the guards must respond immediately and this cannot and should not be compromised. The entire purpose of hiring a security agency is negated if the guards are not equipped or trained to face an emergency. Remember, the agency and its guards must be prepared 24/7.
Budget – this also matters
Some agencies charge exorbitant prices but the quality will not justify the price quoted. Stay away from such agencies. If the quality is excellent, it is alright to pay the price, even if it is slightly on the higher-end. So, looking for an agency that justifies the cost, will give you the safety you and your community deserve.ApnaComplex’s tech-driven software offers the best security solutions compared to any other apartment management software out there. We have extensive and advanced features that are specially designed to manage gated communities. For more details and a demo, please visit https://bit.ly/2SUOgUZ.