Roles, Duties And Responsibilities Of Members Of A Resident Welfare Association
Apartment Management, Articles, Bye Laws, Community Living, Legal apartment association, Apartment Management Software, apnacomplex, managing committee, resident welfare association, RWAA resident welfare association, however, needs to be registered under the government for it to be recognized as a proper association. A registered resident welfare association will this way be able to enjoy many legal benefits. While forming a registered resident welfare association, make sure that you have more than seven members who are at least eighteen (or above) years of age. This is very important.

The primary objective of every resident welfare association would be to collect the common maintenance charges from every single resident in the apartment and use this in establishing good public infrastructure for the residents. An association will normally have to be formed under The Karnataka Apartment Ownership Act of 1972 or
The Karnataka Societies Registration Act, 1960 (and appropriate act for states other than Karnataka).
Every resident welfare association will have a management committee, a president, a treasurer and a secretary, apart from the regular members. There are many common responsibilities that members of the association should take up among themselves, and some of these have been mentioned below (we will cover other roles in future blog posts):
The President’s Role:
- The President will be given the authority to defend any form of legal action that is taken against the association, and will also be given the authority to sue people for legal purposes and reasons.
- The President of a resident welfare association will have the final call in approving a contract that is brought by the committee and implementing the terms.
- The President should maintain an overall view on the occurrences and ensure that all residents and members are satisfied without having any qualms or problems. The President should also oversee all expenses and make sure that they are put to good use.
The Treasurer’s Role:
- The Treasurer in a resident welfare association will be given the task of maintaining all funds within the organization. The responsibility of maintaining the money safely along with all documents also rests solely with the Treasurer.
- The Treasurer’s role is a demanding one and should be bestowed upon an experienced person with good management capabilities, as these documents and funds are very important for the association.
- The Treasurer should also make note of the overall income and also calculate monthly and yearly expenditures. This way the flow of money will be constantly regulated for the benefit of the residents.
The Secretary’s Role:
- The secretary in a resident welfare association will be given the responsibility of conducting various general body meetings.
- The secretary will also be given the responsibility of compiling the minutes of the meeting and analyzing the overall information brought to the table.
- The secretary will have to bring up concerns from each individual resident in order to ensure active participation of all members.
These are the three major roles in any resident welfare association, and you’ll need to be aware of all such responsibilities involved, in order to contest for the spot yourself, or even in order to vote for the right person when the polls come up.
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Dear Sirs,
Is it compulsory for the secretary in a resident welfare association be a tenant of the building.
Our query is that our Secretary has a room in our building and given it on lease and permanently resides
outside, does he have rights to become the secretary of our building…..appreciate your kind advice, Sir.
Rgds/ Arnold Lobo
A tenant.
can a resident welfare association of the people who do not live in apartmetns but in squating hosues, avail hte benefits meant for RWA
Hi, I want to know that if any resident of the society is not paying the subscription of RWA just to show the resentment, can he avail the rights of the residents of society and what should he do to settle the issue if RWA is not effectively doing so.
In our society few people r not interested in its maintence and they r not paying their dues on monthly basis and for maintence of building,which is in very poor condition,but they r taking rent from their tennents nd tennets r taking all benfits of complex residing. si
r kindely give suggestions how we take money from them by rule regulations .
Can a welfare association ( reg u/s 1960) have right to do maintenance?
I am living in apartment at 5th floor. Chairman decided not to used the lift and not ready to repair it.he don’t want to give maintenance of lift. What will be the legal remedy against him
What is the role of a member in AOA.
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