Announcing Rules Engine in ApnaComplex for Dynamic Housing Societies
Apartment Accounting Software, Apartment Management Software, Housing Society Software, Product News, Society Accounting Software, Society Billing Software Apartment Accounting Software, Apartment Management Software, recurring invoices, rules engine, society accounting, Society Billing SoftwareSo, what is this rules engine?
Rules Engine offers ApnaComplex administrators a mechanism to get list of units (flats / villas) based on criteria conigured by the administrator. Let us say, you want to know list of rented flats where vehicle count is more than 3 and resident count is more than 6. In life with out ApnaComplex you would have to get the data from multiple sources and then try and count manually or write couple of excel macros. Its super easy to get this with the rule engine. Create three rules, combine them to create a rule set, execute the rule set to get the list of flats.

That sounds fun. But what is the real utility of this in a Society Accounting Software?
Imagine if you were to do billing to members based on a conditions like number of parking lots owned, number of residents in the house, who occupied the flat etc. This data is dynamic and can potentially change every month when you are ready to invoice. It takes enormous amount of time to accurately raise an invoice. With help of rules engine, you can create the conditions that impact your billing as rules, group them as rule sets and save them. When you are ready to invoice, just execute the rule set to get list of flats and then use that to raise the invoices on selected units.
Can I use the rules engine with recurring invoices feature of ApnaComplex?
Absolutely yes, you can now configure recurring invoices to execute one or more rule sets and then add charges for ONLY those units that meet the conditions mentioned in the rules. Now, that is mighty powerful – the system automatically executes rules that are defined by the admin on a periodic basis and then generate invoices to only those flats that meet the conditions. Zero manual intervention.
What if billing criteria in my housing society changes?
You can change the conditions and the threshold values for the conditions any time you want.
I can’t wait to use it. Where do I find it?
If you already using ApnaComplex, go to Income->Member Income. Click Setup Rules to get started.
If you want to get started with ApnaComplex, register your society and get started!
Is there anything else I can do with the rules engine other than billing?
Stay tuned for more ways of using this unique feature in ApnaComplex 🙂
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